In addition to Individual Advertiser Stats, you can view traffic statistics for your entire website anytime by logging into your dashboard and clicking on "Statistics." Some of the key metrics measured include:
VISITORS - The number of unique devices that have accessed your site during the selected time period.
VISITS - The number of times the site was accessed by all the VISITORS during the selected time period.
PAGE VIEWS - The number of pages that were accessed throughout all the VISITS during the selected time period (also know as an "Impressions").
AVERAGE TIME ON SITE - The average amount of time VISITORS spend browsing your site during the selected time period.
PAGES PER VISIT - The average number of pages accessed on your site in a VISIT during the selected time period.
In addition, you can also view stats for:
CATEGORIES - The total number of categories featured on your site.
LISTINGS - The total number of listings on your website.
TOTAL REVENUE - Total amount of revenue you generated through the Stripe integration.
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