The Manage Pages section of the dashboard allows you to add your own pages to your directory website as well as edit, rename, reorder, hide, and delete existing pages. Here's how:
STEP 1 - Click on Manage Pages in the Dashboard
Once logged in to your dashboard, click Manage Pages on the left tool bar.
STEP 2 - Click on "Add Page" to add a new page to your directory website
You can also "Edit" existing pages to change the content that appears on that page. You can reorder pages using drag and drop. If you "Hide" a page, it will not appear on the navigation bar of your directory.
Please Note:
- You cannot hide or delete the "Home" page.
- The "Home" page must remain in the first position.
- You cannot delete the "Browse Listings" page but you can hide it from the navigation.
- You cannot delete the "Advertise" page but you can hide it from the navigation.
STEP 3 - Name the page and add content
The "Page Name" will determine how the page appears in the navigation. Use the editor to add your content and be sure to click "Save" when complete.
Note: You can add images to your Page content by copy-pasting an image or dragging an image from your desktop into the content area.
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